Rules and Regulations



  1. Mar Gregorios College of Law Library has varied collection of books as well as access to online legal databases such as SCC Online, N-List, CDJ, etc. Students can avail facilities the online library. This legal database has been a tremendous help for students and faculty members.

  2. All students and staff may make use of the library facility to enrich their academic performance.

  3. All staff and students of the College are normally members of the college library.

  4. For students, college ID card and Uniform are essential for entering into library.

  5. Members should first check in at the Library Gate Register with college ID card before entering and availing library services.

  6. Students are expected to use the library in their free time and after class hours. Students will not be permitted to use the library during class hours except with prior permission of the authority concerned.

  7. Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library. Library Hall is meant for individual study and research only.

  8. All the students/ teachers / researchers entering the library shall keep all personal belongings such as textbooks, files, umbrellas etc., at the Property Counter. However, notebooks, writing pad, Laptops can be brought inside the library, if necessary. The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.

  9. Scribbling, marking on the book, tampering book or tearing the pages is a punishable offence.

  10. Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library and its premises.

  11. Members are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library.

  12. Photocopying facility is available in the library on payment basis.

  13. Students should clear all dues of the library before semester examinations.

  14. Members should obey the library rules and regulations. Violation of rules and any act of misbehaviour will be brought to the notice of the Principal and will lead to intense disciplinary action.



  1. Undergraduate student can borrow 2 books, Postgraduate students 5 books and faculty members 10 books at a time. The due date will be noted on a label inside the book.

  2. The period of the loan is usually 20 days for students, 60 days for staff members including the days of issue after which a fine of Rs.1/- per day per book will be levied. For students, representing the College, participating in competitions can borrow 2 more additional books for a period of 30 days. Such students should submit a request letter from the faculty concerned.

  3. Students can check the status of books, reserve books even from home through OPAC system of the library.

  4. The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.

  5. Periodicals, and journals shall not be issued. Reference books may be issued overnight and should be returned next working day itself. Failure to return the book on due time, a fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be levied.

  6. Students can reserve books at the Circulation Counter in case they are already issued. Books in reservation may not be renewed. A book so reserved should be taken by the applicant within two days after it becomes available. The reservation will stand cancelled if the facility is not availed on time.

  7. Books removed from the shelves, if not required further, should be kept on the book trolley/ table nearest to them. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.

  8. Students are advised not to circulate library books among other students.

  9. When books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the Librarian before leaving the Counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.

  10. Users who lose/mutilate library books are liable to replace it with its latest edition or three times of the cost of the book. If the book is part of a set or series, they may be called upon to replace the whole set or series. In case the lost book is unavailable in the market or out of print, the Principal reserves the right to decide appropriate penalty.

  11. Books once issued, should not be brought inside, unless it is to be returned.



  1. On all working days, College library opens at 8.00 AM and closes at 6.00 PM.

  2. Issue hours is from 09.00AM to 03. 00 PM in all days except Sundays and Public Holidays.

  3. The working hours will be 9.30 AM to 3.00 PM on Saturdays except Second Saturdays.



  1. Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.

  2. Online chatting, browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited in the library.

  3. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the library is not permitted.

  4. Users should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories of the computers in the library. 

  5. Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the Library.

  6. Users should obey copyright regulations while accessing online resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, etc.).



1) The students/ Research Scholars should bring recommendation letter from the Principal / research Supervisor / letter from the head of the institution.

2) The visiting scholar should bring original and valid photo ID.

Violation of above rules and regulations may lead to suspension of the library membership. These rules are subject to revision/updation from time to time without assigning any reason. For latest Library rules and regulations, please check Library Website.